Project InBetween - Healing Journeys

Burntout American teacher, teaching at risk students

Project InBetween

Darryl is a married dad of five children. He is a former US Marine Corps during the war on terror. International speaker and education consultant. Darryl once witnessed the horrific death of his father at a very young and impressionable age. It shaped much of his life. Darryl is now a teacher to children and teens deemed 'at risk' in school environments where the cycle of pain will likely continue and not heal.

He has written a book and continues to serve his young 'Kings and Queens' to find a way out of their at-risk lives and move into something greater and healthier for their lives.

Darryl can be found:
Facebook:  Here
Instagram: Here
Website: Here

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Facebook: / projectinbetween
FREE: 7 Day Nurse Your Nervous System
The Inner Circle - Private Facebook Group: For those who want to connect to a community of like-minded individuals looking for connections


The information provided on this podcast is presented as personal opinion and story telling. It does not constitute medical advice nor in any way be an endorsement of any of the treatments or items discussed here on the podcast. Any information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and sound material on the podcast or my personal website are for informational purposes only. It does not constitute professional health advice, diagnosis or treatment. The Project InBetween podcast and its contributors to this podcast, advise users to consult a medical professional or other qualified healthcare provider, if they are seeking medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.